1. Offshore Medical Examination
The Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration Association (NOGEPA) is the equivalent of the British OGUK and represents the interests of businesses with licences to explore for or produce oil and gas in the Netherlands. On 1 July 2013 NOGEPA has introduced new regulations on qualification, recognition and registration for medical examiners on offshore mining installations.
2. Amending Legislation
On 1 January 2013 the Mining Act has been amended and as far as health and safety of employees in this industry are concerned, OHS-legislation. The Mining Regulations Continental Shelf (MRCP) and all regulations based on it, have expired on fore mentioned date.
3. Industrial Safety Examination of employees on mining installations.
Working on an offshore mining installation varies from working on land. The health and safety of offshore workers, as well as all who are affected by their activities, can be endangered if other offshore workers are not classified medically fit to work in the offshore environment.
4. Medical Examination Guidelines
4.1 Introduction
NOGEPA physicians have established directives to serve as a guideline to be used by physicians conducting medical and physical examinations of people working on offshore mining installations. These directives are issued by NOGEPA and can be consulted on the NOGEPA website. Offshore workers have to undergo medical examinations on a regular base. The directives are based on “good practice”. The final decision is always the responsibility of the operators medical advisor. There are three categories (Cat. A, S and V).
4.2 Purpose of the medical examination
- Anticipating and, where possible, preventing avoidable health risks.
- Safeguarding offshore workers being medical fit in order to work in remote and isolated locations.
4.3 What does the medical consist of
The medical consists of the following:
- Identity check
- Completion of Patient Health History Questionnaire
- Medical examination (physical examination, hearing test, eye test, lung function test, urinalysis, if necessary supplemented by a blood test, ECD, and similar
- After certified fit, a medical certificate is issued.
5. Qualification, recognition and registration of medical examiners
NOGEPA keeps a list of recognized physicians where offshore personnel can have their medical check. The MediBoeg physician is registered and approved by NOGEPA to perform medical examinations. The examination qualification given by NOGEPA is in the name of the MediBoeg physician and strictly personal . The company physician of MediBoeg is registered by NOGEPA as a recognized medical examination physician for workers in the offshore environment. A list of NOGEPA recognized physicians can be found on the NOPEGA website.